4th Annual MetaSUB Conference
08.14.2018 - 08.16.2018
Tivoli Ecoresort
Praia do Forte, Bahia, Brazil

4th Annual MetaSUB Conference
The 4th Annual MetaSUB Conference convened on August 14th – 16th in Praia do Forte, Brazil. It was a combination of established and emerging scientists from several fields including genomics, bioinformatics, microbiology, engineering, and medicine, to share results of their work in the field of microbiome and metagenomics studies.Our gracious hosts for this year were Dr. Emmanuel Dias-Neto and Suzana Dias.

The meeting this year focused on discussing the data from Global City Sampling Day 2016 and 2017, plans for future analysis and papers, as well as grants and future goals for the consortium.
May 14, 2018 | Christopher Mason | MicrobeNet