Population of Lima (people): 9,111,0001
Number of stations (Linea 1): 26
Length (km): 34.6
Riders per annum (millions): 16.8
Daily ridership: 320,000
The Linea 1 Metro de Lima operates on a level and elevated viaduct through the city of Lima.
Linea 2 and a section of Linea 4 is currently under construction and will operate over a route of 35 kilometres, serving 35 stations.
Plans for Lineas 3, 4, 5 and 6 are currently under review.
PI Institute: Universidad ESAN
PI Names: Wayne Menary PhD / Mayra Arauco Livia
1 El Instituto Nacional de EstadÃstica e Informática (INEI): Nota de Prensa 17/01/17 (https://www.inei.gob.pe/prensa/noticias/lima-tendria-9-millones-111-mil-habitantes-9531/)